Vocal Masterclass

In cooperation with the Musikhochschule Lubeck, Germany

The Johannesburg International Mozart Festival is delighted and proud to reinstate its Vocal Masterclass and announce a new partnership with the prestigious Musikhochschule Lubeck, Germany. The original Masterclass series began as a collaboration with the Hochschule fur Msik und Tanz in Cologne in 2012, when Professor Josef Protschka directed a one-week vocal masterclass for young South African singers. Over the years several talented young singers were chosen to study there and have gone on to outstanding international careers. We currently have two students who have recently completed there studies there, Abongile Fumba and Katleho Mokhoabane, whose careers we will now follow with interest going forward.

2022 sees the eighth edition of the scheme when, in April 2022,  Martin Hundelt, Vice President from the Musikhochschule Lubeck will be offering master classes and vocal coaching.

The masterclass runs from 9 – 16 April 2022 in Johannesburg. No more than 6 candidates will be accepted as active participants. One student could be chosen for an academic year’s study at the Music Academy in Lubeck.

Full funding for the study programme has been provided through the efforts of the Johannesburg International Mozart Festival, in partnership with Rand Merchant Bank and the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust.

The good news for South African singers is that once again, between 23 and 30 January 2022, Martin Hundelt will be offering masterclasses at Northwards House in Johannesburg. Further details on how to apply and an application form can be found here. >>

If you wish to make a donation please do not hesitate to contact the Apollo Music Trust on T: +27 (0)72 492 5769 or [email protected].